"Modeling Iron Loss in Electric Drive Systems Under Dc Biased Magnetics" by Mohammed Hassan M Alzahrani

Modeling Iron Loss in Electric Drive Systems Under Dc Biased Magnetics

Mohammed Hassan M Alzahrani, Purdue University


Predicting core losses in electromagnetic and electromechanical devices such as electric machines is crucial to avoid overheating or oversizing. This work focuses on predicting core loss under a dc bias condition which results in hysteresis loop distortion and an increase in the core loss. The interest in dc biased materials is to facilitate design of electric drive systems wherein the electric machine core is subject to a dc bias such as in homopolar machines. Owing to their simplicity and ease of use, Steinmetz-based models are considered in this work. Herein, four models based on Steinmetz Equations are studied and compared for dc offset sinusoidal field intensity waveforms. The model parameters are then characterized for a sample of M15 steel. Finally, the four models are compared with regards to their accuracy and performance under saturated conditions.




Singh, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Design|Artificial intelligence

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