"Improving Livestock Climatic Adaptation Through Genomics" by Pedro H.F Freitas

Improving Livestock Climatic Adaptation Through Genomics

Pedro H.F Freitas, Purdue University


As the effects of climate change become more evident, the development of effective strategies for improving livestock climatic adaptation and the long-term sustainability of animal food production have become key priorities around the world, including in the US. Together with nutrition, infrastructure, and management practices, genetically improving animals is an effective and lasting alternative to simultaneously improve productive efficiency and climatic adaptation of animals. Genetic improvement requires basic understanding of the genomic architecture of the indicator traits of interest and the availability of large-scale datasets. Understanding the role of evolution and selection (both natural and artificial) on shaping animal genomes is of paramount importance for the optimization of breeding programs and conservation of genetic resources. In addition, properly quantifying environmental stress and individual animal responses to thermal stress are still important challenges in breeding programs. Thus, the identification of optimal statistical methods and traits that better capture key biological mechanisms involved in the heat stress response has the potential to enable more accurate selection for thermal tolerant individuals. Therefore, this thesis aimed to investigate complementary topics related to thermal tolerance in livestock species based on genomic information. A total of 946 genotypes from 34 cattle breeds, as well as Datong yak (Bos grunniens) and Bali (Bos javanicus) populations, adapted to divergent climatic conditions, were used to investigate the genetic diversity and unravel genomic regions potentially under selection for thermal tolerance, with a focus on Chinese local cattle breeds and yak. Different signature of selection analyses and a comprehensive description of genetic diversity in 32 worldwide cattle and Datong yak populations was presented. Moderate genetic diversity was observed within each Chinese cattle population. However, these results highlighted the need to adopt strategies to avoid further reduction in the genetic diversity of these populations. Several candidate genes were identified as potentially under selection for thermal tolerance, and important biological pathways, molecular functions, and cellular components were identified, which contribute to our understanding of the genetic background of thermal tolerance in Bosspecies. Secondly, 8,992 genotyped individuals were used to provide a comprehensive description of genotype-by-environment interaction effects, defining optimal environmental variables based on public weather station data, and critical periods to evaluate heat tolerance for various reproduction, growth, and body composition traits in US Large White pigs. The period of 30 days before the measurement date was suggested to analyze genotype-by-environment interaction for off-test weight, muscle depth, and backfat thickness. While for number of piglets weaned and weaning weight, the suggested period ranged from the last trimester of gestation until weaning. This same population was used to access the genomic predictive ability of heat tolerance based on routinelymeasured traits and explore candidate regions involved in the biological mechanisms that underlie heat stress response in pigs. Genotype-by-environment interaction was identified for most of the traits evaluated, and moderate (>0.36 ± 0.05) breeding values prediction accuracy were achieved using genomic information. Lastly, various behavioral, anatomical, and physiological indicators of heat stress were measured in a population of 1,645 multiparous Large White x Landrace lactating sows.




Brito, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Nutrition|Climate Change|Physiology|Animal sciences|Atmospheric sciences|Genetics|Medical imaging

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