"Dimension Reduction, Operator Learning and Uncertainty Quantification " by Shiqi Zhang

Dimension Reduction, Operator Learning and Uncertainty Quantification for Problems of Differential Equations

Shiqi Zhang, Purdue University


In this work, we mainly focus on the topic related to dimension reduction, operator learning and uncertainty quantification for problems of differential equations. The supervised machine learning methods introduced here belong to a newly booming field compared to traditional numerical methods. The building blocks for our works are mainly Gaussian process and neural network.The first work focuses on supervised dimension reduction problems. A new framework based on rotated multi-fidelity Gaussian process regression is introduced. It can effectively solve high-dimensional problems while the data are insufficient for traditional methods. Moreover, an accurate surrogate Gaussian process model of original problem can be formulated. The second one we would like to introduce is a physics-assisted Gaussian process framework with active learning for forward and inverse problems of partial differential equations(PDEs). In this work, Gaussian process regression model is incorporated with given physical information to find solutions or discover unknown coefficients of given PDEs. Three different models are introduce and their performance are compared and discussed. Lastly, we propose attention based MultiAuto-DeepONet for operator learning of stochastic problems. The target of this work is to solve operator learning problems related to time-dependent stochastic differential equations(SDEs). The work is built on MultiAuto-DeepONet and attention mechanism is applied to improve the model performance in specific type of problems. Three different types of attention mechanism are presented and compared. Numerical experiments are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed models.




Lin, Purdue University.

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