"Essays in Nonstationary Time Series Econometrics" by Xuewen Yu

Essays in Nonstationary Time Series Econometrics

Xuewen Yu, Purdue University


This dissertation is a collection of four essays on nonstationary time series econometrics, which are grouped into four chapters.The first chapter investigates the inference in mildly explosive autoregressions under unconditional heteroskedasticity. Mildly explosive autoregressions have been extensively employed in recent theoretical and applied econometric work to model the phenomenon of asset market bubbles. An important issue in this context concerns the construction of confidence intervals for the autoregressive parameter that represents the degree of explosiveness. Existing studies rely on intervals that are justified only under conditional homoskedasticity/heteroskedasticity. This chapter studies the problem of constructing asymptotically valid confidence intervals in a mildly explosive autoregression where the innovations are allowed to be unconditionally heteroskedastic. The assumed variance process is general and can accommodate both deterministic and stochastic volatility specifications commonly adopted in the literature. Within this framework, we show that the standard heteroskedasticityautocorrelation consistent (HAC) estimate of the long-run variance converges in distribution to a nonstandard random variable that depends on nuisance parameters. Notwithstanding this result, the corresponding t-statistic is shown to still possess a standard normal limit distribution. To improve the quality of inference in small samples, we propose a dependent wild bootstrap-tprocedure and establish its asymptotic validity under relatively weak conditions. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that our recommended approach performs favorably in finite samples relative to existing methods across a wide range of volatility specifications. Applications to international stock price indices and US house prices illustrate the relevance of the advocated method in practice.The second chapter develops a new approach to forecasting a highly persistent time series that employs feasible generalized least squares (FGLS) estimation of the deterministic components in conjunction with Mallows model averaging. Within a local-to-unity asymptotic framework, we derive analytical expressions for the asymptotic mean squared error and onestep ahead mean squared forecast risk of the proposed estimator and show that the optimal FGLS weights are different from their ordinary least squares (OLS) counterparts. We also provide theoretical justification for a generalized Mallows averaging estimator that incorporates lag order uncertainty in the construction of the forecast. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that the proposed procedure yields considerably lower finite sample forecast risk relative to OLS averaging. An application to US macroeconomic time series illustrates the efficacy of the advocated method in practice and finds that both persistence and lag order uncertainty have important implications for the accuracy of forecasts.The third chapter proposes new bootstrap procedures for detecting multiple persistence shifts in a time series driven by nonstationary volatility. The assumed volatility process can accommodate discrete breaks, smooth transition variation as well as trending volatility. We develop wild bootstrap sup-Wald tests of the null hypothesis that the process is either stationary [I(0)] or has a unit root [I(1)] throughout the sample. We also propose a sequential procedure to estimate the number of persistence breaks based on ordering the regime-specific bootstrap p-values. The asymptotic validity of the advocated procedures is established both under the null of stability and a variety of persistence change alternatives. A comparison with existing tests that assume homoskedasticity illustrates the finite sample improvements offered by our methods. An application to OECD inflation rates highlights the empirical relevance of the proposed approach and weakens the case for persistence change relative to existing procedures.




Tobias, Purdue University.

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