Investigating Strategies to Optimize Farrowing Performance and Piglet Survival
Sow litter sizes have been increasing over the years. Increasing litter sizes typically result in an increased duration of farrowing which can be detrimental to piglet survival due to the increased risk of in-utero asphyxiation. The cumulative effect of repeated contractions over extended time results in increased pressure on the umbilical cord. This causes an interruption of blood and oxygen to the piglet brain, increasing the risk of death. Although asphyxiation is the cause of the majority of stillbirths, piglets who are born alive can also suffer from in-uteroasphyxiation. These piglets are considered to be of low vitality and are severely disadvantaged in regard to survival and growth. Different methods have been explored on ways to decrease farrowing duration, reduce stillbirths, and improve piglet survival, but the neonatal mortality rate is still rather high and is not decreasing. Therefore, new methods need to be investigated in the hopes of successfully decreasing the farrowing duration of sows.The first project aimed to shorten the farrowing duration and improve piglet survival in farrowing crates via the provision of nesting material and enriched piglet mats. There have been several studies on the effects of nesting material in farrowing crates, but most of those studies use materials that will fall through the slatted floors and block the liquid manure systems. The current study implemented the use of jute as the nesting material and proposed a novel way to present the material, by attaching it to the side of the crate, to prevent it from falling through the slatted floors and disrupting the manure systems. The enriched piglet mats were made from a microfiber material to promote homeothermy and reduce heat loss, thus potentially positively impacting piglet growth and survival. Twenty sows were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments: 1) farrowing crate with jute nesting material (Nest; n = 10; 3 pieces of jute, each 40.6 cm x 21.6 cm) and two enriched piglet mats made from an acrylic board (28.0 x 86.4 cm) covered with a microfiber material, or 2) farrowing crate without nesting material (Control; n = 10) and 1 standard rubber mat (28.0 x 86.4 cm) for piglets. Sows had access to the jute material from approximately d 113 of gestation until they finished farrowing, while piglets had access to the mats for the first 3 d of age. Sow saliva was collected to measure Immunoglobulin A (IgA) and cortisol to assess stress on d -1, 0, 1, and 2, relative to farrowing, and a final sample at weaning (d 16.9 ± 0.18). Piglet plasma Immunoglobulin G (IgG) was collected from 4 piglets/litter at 48 h, 7 d, and weaning. Piglet skin temperature was measured from two piglets/litter using an infrared camera for 3 d after birth. Video was continuously coded for observations of jute-directed and crate-directed interactions. Nest sows performed less crate-directed behavior than Control sows (P = 0.02), while both groups performed the same amount of total nesting behavior (the sum of crate-directed plus jute-directed behavior) (P > 0.05). Cortisol tended to be less in Nest sows (P = 0.08), but there was no difference in IgA concentrations (P> 0.4).
Lay, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Animal sciences|Endocrinology
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