"Modeling and Applications of Ferroelectric Based Devices" by Atanu Kumar Saha

Modeling and Applications of Ferroelectric Based Devices

Atanu Kumar Saha, Purdue University


To sustain the upcoming paradigm shift in computations technology efficiently, innovative solutions at the lowest level of the computing hierarchy (the material and device level) are essential to delivering the required functionalities beyond what is available with current CMOS platforms. Motivated by this, in this dissertation, we explore ferroelectric-based devices for steep-slope logic and energy-efficient non-volatile-memory functionalities signifying the novel device attributes, possibilities for continual dimensional scaling with the much-needed enhancement in performance.Among various ferroelectric (FE) materials, Zr doped HfO2 (HZO) has gained immense research attention in recent times by virtue of CMOS process compatibility and a considerable amount of ferroelectricity at room temperature. In this work, we investigate the Zr concentration-dependent crystal phase transition of Hf1-xZxO2 (HZO) and the corresponding evolution of dielectric, ferroelectric, and anti-ferroelectric characteristics. Providing the microscopic insights of straininduced crystal phase transformations, we propose a physics-based model that shows good agreement with experimental results for 10 nm Hf1-xZxO2. Further, in a heterogeneous system, ferroelectric materials can exhibit negative capacitance (NC) behavior. Such NC effects may lead to differential amplification in local potential and can provide an enhanced charge and capacitance response for the whole system compared to their constituents. Such intriguing implications of NC phenomena have prompted the design and exploration of many ferroelectric-based electronic devices to not only achieve an improved performance but potentially also overcome some fundamental limits of standard transistors. However, the microscopic physical origin as well as the true nature of the NC effect, and direct experimental evidence remain elusive and debatable. To that end, in this work, we systematically investigate the underlying physical mechanism of the NC effect in the ferroelectric material. Based upon the fundamental physics of ferroelectric material, we investigate different assumptions, conditions, and distinct features of the quasi-static NC effect in the single-domain and multi-domain scenarios. While the quasi-static and hysteresis-free NC effect was initially propounded in the context of a single-domain scenario, we highlight that the similar effects can be observed in multi-domain FEs with soft domain-wall (DW) displacement. Furthermore, to obtain the soft-DW, the gradient energy coefficient of the FE material is required to be higher as well as the ferroelectric thickness is required to be lower than some critical values. Otherwise, the DW becomes hard, and their displacement would lead to hysteretic NC effects. In addition to the quasi-static NC, we discuss different mechanisms that can lead to the transient NC effects. Furthermore, we provide guidelines for new experiments that can potentially provide new insights on unveiling the real origin of NC phenomena.Utilizing such ferroelectric insulators at the gate stack of a transistor, ferroelectric-field-effect transistors (FeFETs) have been demonstrated to exhibit both non-volatile memory and steep-slope logic functionalities. To investigate such diverse attributes and to enable application drive optimization of FeFETs, we develop a phase-field simulation framework of FeFETs by selfconsistently solving the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) equation, Poisson’s equation, and non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) based semiconductor charge-transport equation. Considering HZO as the FE layer, we first analyze the dependence of the multi-domain patterns on the HZO thickness (TFE) and their critical role in dictating the steep-switching (both in the negative and positive capacitance regimes) and non-volatile characteristics of FeFETs. In particular, we analyze the TFE-dependent formation of hard and soft domain-walls (DW).




Gupta, Purdue University.

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