"The Influence Of Print Layer Orientation On The Mechanical Properties " by Kyle Cox

The Influence Of Print Layer Orientation On The Mechanical Properties Of Sic And CF/SIC CMCS Formed Via Direct Ink Writing

Kyle Cox, Purdue University


Silicon carbide is a useful monolithic and matrix ceramic due to its excellent mechanical properties and corrosion/oxidation resistance at high temperature. This makes it an attractive material for use in advanced applications, such as aircraft engines and high-speed flight. In this study, additively manufactured monolithic SiC and Cf/SiC CMCs, processed via direct ink writing (DIW) of a 53 vol% colloidal suspension, achieved >96% theoretical density through pressureless sintering. When present, fibers are aligned in the direction of the print path. Five different print paths were studied, including a 0o path, 90o path, 0/90o path, 0/15/30/45/60/75/90o path, and 0/30/60/90/60/30/0o path. Four-point bend testing was performed to determine flexural strength and Weibull analysis was performed. Strengths were highest for the 0o print path. The characteristic strength, σo, of this print path was 375 MPa with a Weibull modulus of 7.4 for monolithic SiC and a σo of 361 MPa with a Weibull modulus of 10.7 for Cf/SiC. Weibull modulus was greater for Cf/SiC samples compared to identically printed monolithic SiC samples. SEM and optical microscopy were used to analyze printed parts which showed a high degree of fiber alignment in the direction of the print. Fiber pullout was observed on the fracture surface, as well as intragranular fracture.




Youngblood, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Industrial engineering|Materials science|Mechanics|Nanotechnology|Occupational psychology|Physics|Polymer chemistry|Psychology

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