On Random Polynomials Spanned By Opuc
Aljubran, Hanan A. Ph.D., Purdue University, December 2020. On Random Polynomials Spanned by OPUC. Major Professor: Maxim L.Yattselevas n → ∞, where m is a non-negative integer (most of the work deal with the case m = 0 ), {ηn} ∞ n=0 is a sequence of i.i.d. Gaussian random variables, and {ϕn(z)} ∞ n=0 is a sequence of orthonormal polynomials on the unit circle T for some Borel measure µ on T with infinitely many points in its support. Most of the work is done by manipulating the density function for the expected number of zeros of a random polynomial, which we call the intensity function.
Yattselev, Purdue University.
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