Autistic Adults and Their Intersections: An Anthropological Approach to Cultural Conceptions of Disability in Indigenous, Campesinos and Urban Families in Colombia

Adriana Catalina Garcia Acevedo, Purdue University


This ethnographic project delves into the spheres of life of three autistic adults and their families. This thesis analyzes their experiences, current routines, and personal and family narratives about what it means to be an autistic adult across different identities and geographies. This thesis also identifies forms of knowledge that arise in these life experiences and shape strategies, decisions, or attitudes taken to navigate through life or overcome possible difficulties in their present and futures. This research takes place in Colombia, a diverse country and engages with anthropology of the everyday, sensory anthropology and disability studies.




Zanotti, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Cultural anthropology|Latin American Studies|Multicultural Education

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