"Design of YBCO-Based Machines Using 2d Method of Moments" by Kyle Waggoner

Design of YBCO-Based Machines Using 2d Method of Moments

Kyle Waggoner, Purdue University


In this research, the use of a Type-2 superconducting material (i.e. Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide) as a magnetic flux source within synchronous machines is considered. To do so, an analytical model is applied to predict the magnetic field and the currents that are induced within the material when it is magnetized to a mixed-state. These induced currents are then used to model the synchronous machine performance within a 2-dimensional Method of Moments (MoM) formulation. The MoM-based model is used in tandem with a thermal equivalent circuit to calculate the cooling required to keep the YBCO below its critical temperature. These are utilized within a genetic algorithm (GA) to evaluate the tradeoffs between mass and loss for several example electric drives ranging from 10 kW-20 MW. The expected mass and loss of the YBCO machines are compared to those of a standard permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM). Specifically, Pareto-optimal fronts are used to assess power levels where cryo-cooled YBCO materials may be warranted.




Pekarek, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Atomic physics|Condensed matter physics|Design|Electromagnetics|High Temperature Physics|Low Temperature Physics|Materials science|Mathematics|Medical imaging|Physics|Thermodynamics

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