Approximate Computing: From Circuits to Software

Younghoon Kim, Purdue University


Many modern workloads such as multimedia, recognition, mining, search, vision, etc. possess the characteristic of intrinsic application resilience — the ability to produce acceptablequality outputs despite their underlying computations being performed in an approximate manner. Approximate computinghas emerged as a paradigm that exploits intrinsic application resilience to design systems that produce outputs of acceptable quality with significant performance/energy improvement. The research community has proposed a range of approximate computing techniques spanning across circuits, architecture, and software over the last decade. Nevertheless, approximate computing is yet to be incorporated into mainstream HW/SW design processes largely due to the deviation from the conventional design flow and the lack of runtime approximation controllability by the user.The primary objective of this thesis is to provide approximate computing techniques across different layers of abstraction that possess the two following characteristics: (i) They can be applied with minimal change to the conventional design flow, and (ii) the approximation is controllable at runtime by the user with minimal overhead. To this end, this thesis proposes three novel approximate computing techniques — clock overgating which targets HW design at the Register Transfer Level (RTL), value similarity extensions which enhance general-purpose processors with a set of microarchitectural and ISA extensions, and data subsettingwhich targets SW executing for commodity platforms.Clock Overgating. The thesis first explores clock overgating, which extends the concept of clock gating — a conventional low-power technique that turns off the clock to a Flip-Flop (FF) when the value remains unchanged. In contrast to traditional clock gating, in clock overgating the clock signals to selected FFs in the circuit are gated even when the circuit functionality is sensitive to their state. This saves additional power in the clock tree, the gated FFs and in their downstream logic, while a quality loss occurs if the erroneous FF states propagate to the circuit outputs. This thesis develops a systematic methodology to identify an energy-efficient clock overgating configuration for any given circuit and quality constraint. Towards this end, three key strategies for efficiently pruning the large space of possible overgating configurations are proposed — significance-based overgating, grouping FFs into overgating islands, and utilizing internal signals of the circuit as triggers for overgating. Across a suite of 6 machine learning accelerators, energy benefits of 1.36× on average are achieved at the cost of a very small (<0.5%) loss in classification accuracy.Value Similarity Extensions. The thesis also explores value similarity extensions, a set of lightweight micro-architectural and ISA extensions for general-purpose processors that provide performance improvements for computations on data structures with value similarity. The key idea is that programs often contain repeated instructions that are performed on very similar inputs (e.g., neighboring pixels within a homogeneous region of an image). In such cases, it may be possible to skip an instruction that operates on data similar to a previously executed instruction, and approximate the skipped instruction’s result with the saved result of the previous one.




Raghunathan, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Design|Artificial intelligence|Computer science|Electrical engineering|Energy|Information Technology|Web Studies

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