Inferential Gans and Deep Feature Selection with Applications

Yao Chen, Purdue University


Deep nueral networks (DNNs) have become popular due to their predictive power and flexibility in model fitting. In unsupervised learning, variational autoencoders (VAEs) and generative adverarial networks (GANs) are two most popular and successful generative models. How to provide a unifying framework combining the best of VAEs and GANs in a principled way is a challenging task. In supervised learning, the demand for high-dimensional data analysis has grown significantly, especially in the applications of social networking, bioinformatics, and neuroscience. How to simultaneously approximate the true underlying nonlinear system and identify relevant features based on high-dimensional data (typically with the sample size smaller than the dimension, a.k.a. small-n-large-p) is another challenging task. In this dissertation, we have provided satisfactory answers for these two challenges. In addition, we have illustrated some promising applications using modern machine learning methods. In the first chapter, we introduce a novel inferential Wasserstein GAN (iWGAN) model, which is a principled framework to fuse auto-encoders and WGANs. GANs have been impactful on many problems and applications but suffer from unstable training. The Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) leverages the Wasserstein distance to avoid the caveats in the minmax two-player training of GANs but has other defects such as mode collapse and lack of metric to detect the convergence. The iWGAN model jointly learns an encoder network and a generator network motivated by the iterative primal dual optimization process. The encoder network maps the observed samples to the latent space and the generator network maps the samples from the latent space to the data space. We establish the generalization error bound of iWGANs to theoretically justify the performance of iWGANs. We further provide a rigorous probabilistic interpretation of our model under the framework of maximum likelihood estimation. The iWGAN, with a clear stopping criteria, has many advantages over other autoencoder GANs. The empirical experiments show that the iWGAN greatly mitigates the symptom of mode collapse, speeds up the convergence, and is able to provide a measurement of quality check for each individual sample. We illustrate the ability of iWGANs by obtaining a competitive and stable performance with state-ofthe-art for benchmark datasets. In the second chapter, we present a general framework for high-dimensional nonlinear variable selection using deep neural networks under the framework of supervised learning. The network architecture includes both a selection layer and approximation layers. The problem can be cast as a sparsity-constrained optimization with a sparse parameter in the selection layer and other parameters in the approximation layers. This problem is challenging due to the sparse constraint and the nonconvex optimization. We propose a novel algorithm, called Deep Feature Selection, to estimate both the sparse parameter and the other parameters. Theoretically, we establish the algorithm convergence and the selection consistency when the objective function has a Generalized Stable Restricted Hessian. This result provides theoretical justifications of our method and generalizes known results for high-dimensional linear variable selection. Simulations and real data analysis are conducted to demonstrate the superior performance of our method.




Wang, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Artificial intelligence|Medicine

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