Quantum Toroidal Superalgebras

Luan Pereira Bezerra, Purdue University


We introduce the quantum toroidal superalgebra Em:n associated with the Lie superalgebra glm:n and initiate its study. For each choice of parity s of glm:n , a corresponding quantum toroidal superalgebra Esis defined.To show that all such superalgebras are isomorphic, an action of the toroidal braid group Bbm+n on the direct sum ⊕sEsis constructed.The superalgebra Es contains two distinguished subalgebras, both isomorphic to the quantum affine superalgebra Uqslbm:n with parity s, called vertical and horizontal subalgebras. We show the existence of Miki automorphism of Es, which exchanges the vertical and horizontal subalgebras.For m =n and standard parity, we give a construction of level 1 Em:n-modules through vertex operators. We also construct an evaluation map from Em:n(q1, q2, q3) to the quantum affine algebra Uqglb m:n at level c = q 3(m−n)/2 .




Mukhin, Purdue University.

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