"Drone Classification with Motion and Appearance Feature Using Convolut" by Eunsuh Lee

Drone Classification with Motion and Appearance Feature Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Eunsuh Lee, Purdue University


With the advancement in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) technology, UAVs have become accessible to the public. However, recent world events have highlighted that the rapid increase of UAVs is bringing with it a threat to public privacy and security. Thus, it is important to think about how to prevent the threats of UAVs to protect our privacy and safety. This study aims to provide an alternative way to substitute an expensive system by using 2D optical sensors that can be easily utilized by people. One of the main challenges for aerial object recognition with computer vision is discriminating other flying objects from the targets, in the far distance. There are limitation to classify the flying object when it appears as a set of small black pixels on the frame. The movement feature can help the system to extract the discriminative feature, so that the classifier can classify the UAV and other objects, such as a bird. Thus, this study proposes a drone detection system using two elements of information, which are appearance information and motion information to overcome the limitation of a vision based system.




Matson, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Aerospace engineering|Artificial intelligence|Electrical engineering|Robotics|Transportation

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