"Impact of Antimicrobial Carcass Washes on Beef Trim Quality in the Pro" by Emily Ford

Impact of Antimicrobial Carcass Washes on Beef Trim Quality in the Production of Beef Frankfurters

Emily Ford, Purdue University


his objective of this study was to determine the impact of antimicrobial carcass washes on beef trim quality in the production of frankfurters. Twenty-four beef carcasses were randomly applied a different antimicrobial wash treatments (TRT) during the harvest procedure: 82° C water (CON), peroxyacetic acid (PAA), or lactic acid (LA). Beef carcasses were analyzed for microbial counts and carcass pH. Frankfurters were produced using carcass trim at two different batter temperature processes (PROC): 4°C (CP) or 21°C (HP). Frankfurters were analyzed for cook loss, emulsion stability (ES), color (Minolta L*, a*, b*) over 60-day storage, purge loss, texture, and sensory analysis. LA carcass had a lower pH (6.36; P<0.001) 30 min post wash compared to other wash treatments. Frankfurters produced from CON trim had the highest ES water (P<0.0001) and ES fat (P<0.0001) separation where the LA and PAA treatments were not significantly different (P>0.05). The HP frankfurters had less ES water (P<0.0001) and ES fat separation (P<0.0001) when compared to CP. However, the CP had a higher cook yield (P=0.002). The HP frankfurters had higher internal and external L* values (P<.0001; P<.0001, respectively). The CP frankfurters had a higher a* (redness) internal color values (P<.0001). However, the HP frankfurters had a higher external a* value (P<.0001). The HP frankfurters displayed higher internal and external b* (yellowness) values (P<.0001). Sensory results displayed the CP frankfurter to have an increase in hardness (P=0.004), a decrease in cohesiveness (P=0.03) and an increase in juiciness (P<.0001). Texture analysis hardness (P=0.009) and chewiness (P=0.01) results showed the CON frankfurters were significantly harder than PAA (P<0.05), while LA were not different from CON or PAA frankfurters (P>0.05). The CP frankfurters were found to have a decrease in springiness (P=<.001) and cohesiveness (P=0.03). There was a significant difference in microbial reduction of pre to post wash petri film counts for all treatments (Log10CFU/mL) of aerobic plate count (P= <0.0001), E.coli coliform (P= 0.0002), yeast (P=0.04) and mold (P= <0.001). TRT was found to be significant for APC (P=0.06) and yeast (P=0.004). Overall, our research indicated antimicrobial wash treatments have little effect on frankfurter quality and displayed viable methods for reducing microbial growth on beef carcasses.




Zuelly, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Nutrition|Animal sciences|Food Science|Microbiology

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