School Active Shooter Prevention Measurements
This research investigated how to measure school active shooter safety against current policies in place regarding two different areas of school climate. Using the State of Indiana as a case study, 55 different schools from 38 different counties, various socioeconomic environments and school types (public, private, etc.) were surveyed. This collected data was used to represent a sample and representation of active shooter safety in K- 12 schools in Indiana. Research was conducted through a survey of approximately 40 questions posed to the principal of a school. The survey was anonymously distributed, and any identifiable information was assigned a numerical code. Anonymized demographics were considered and measured as well to determine how active shooter prevention is treated amongst them. After the study was conducted, the data shows how demographics, policies, and procedures affect school active shooter prevention. Analysis showed that school size may relate to lower social emotional security scores. Additionally, middle schools appear to score higher on social-emotional security than K-12 schools. Nonpublic schools also appear to score less on active shooter prevention than public schools. There is a moderate effect between the two. Schools and policymakers should account for this when developing active shooter safety plans.
Dietz, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Criminology|Educational administration|Educational psychology|Psychology|Public administration
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