"The meaning of time for reduced -load workers and their families" by Stephen C Smith

The meaning of time for reduced -load workers and their families

Stephen C Smith, Purdue University


The purpose of this study was to investigate the temporal experiences of reduced-load workers and their families. Reduced-load scheduling is a work and family issue. The social institutions of work and family are in flux and are related to other social issues such as gender roles. Gender roles have largely been assumed to follow traditional norms of men working outside the home and women taking primary responsibility for the home. Concepts and experiences of time have been assumed to be Newtonian, linear time. Using grounded theory methodology participants' temporal experiences are explored. Participants use a number of means, such as time management, buying time, and using technology, to address their temporal realities. Time is mostly conceptualized as a commodity for participants, although they do deal with other meanings of time simultaneously. They value control over and flexibility in scheduling their time. Following the actions that families take there are implications that traditional gender roles are in transition.




MacDermid, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Families & family life|Personal relationships|Sociology|Social psychology

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