Experimental investigations of recent anomalous results in superconductivity
This thesis examines three recent anomalous results associated with irreversibility in type-II superconductivity: (1) The magnetic properties of the predicted superconductors LiBeH3 and Li2BeH 4, (2) the paramagnetic transition near T = Tc in Nb, and (3) a noise transition in a YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin film near the vortex-solid transition. The investigation of Li 2BeH4 and LiBeH3 was prompted by theoretical predictions of room-temperature superconductivity for Li2BeH4 and LiBeH3 and a recent report that Li2BeH4 showed magnetic irreversibilities similar to those of type-II superconductors. A modified experimental method is introduced in order to avoid artifacts due to background signals. The resulting data is suggestive of a superparamagnetic impurity from one of the reagents used in the synthesis and after subtracting this contribution, the temperature-dependent susceptibilities of Li2 BeH4 and LiBeH3 are estimated. However, no magnetic irreversibility suggestive of superconductivity is observed. The anomalous paramagnetic transition in Nb is intriguing because Nb does not share the d-wave order parameter symmetry often invoked to explain the phenomenon in other superconductors. A modified experimental method was developed in order to avoid instrumental artifacts known to produce a similar apparently paramagnetic response, but the results of this method indicate that the paramagnetic response is a physical property of the sample. Finally, a very sharp noise transition in a YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin film was found to be distinct from previously reported features in the voltage noise commonly associated with vortex fluctuations near the irreversibility line. In each of these three cases the examination of experimental techniques is an integral part of the investigation of novel vortex behavior near the onset of irreversibility.
McElfresh, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Condensed matter physics
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