Time to collision with two -dimensional motion: Effects of horizontal and vertical velocity

Anli Lin, Purdue University


The main purposes of thesis are to test the following prediction: For concurrent processes with an OR gate, as the factor levels increase, the interaction contrasts are larger than or equal to zero and the interaction contrasts of rows (columns) increase monotonically; for concurrent processes with an AND gate, as the factor levels increase, the interaction contrasts are less than or equal to zero and the interaction contrasts of rows (columns) decrease monotonically. In Experiment 1, we used a task leading us to expect positive interaction contrasts, and in Experiment 2, we used a task leading us to expect negative interaction contrasts. In the experiments, a moving object moved across the screen and disappeared before it hit a target. The subjects' task was to estimate the time at which the moving object would hit the target if it continued to move with its previous velocity after disappearing. From the experiments' results, our prediction was supported. The second purpose is to study one remaining question about the complete Wheatstone bridge (CWB) from previous research on latent network theory: When sequential processes X and Y on opposite sides of a complete Wheatstone bridge are prolonged, how do the interaction contrasts of response time approach their limit? Are they monotonic, or not?




Schweickert, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Cognitive psychology|Quantitative psychology

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