Application of an evaluation model for multi -tier organizations to a national indoor air quality curriculum
This study utilized quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate the Healthy Indoor Air for America's Homes national curriculum to determine overall impact and unmet needs of the effort. The research effort provided the basis for the development of an evaluation model useful to any multi-tiered organization. Questionnaires were mailed to 47 state/territory program managers, 501 county educators who received training in the curriculum, and a sample of individuals participating in the educational efforts. Follow up telephone interviews were conducted with one-fourth of the state managers and 69 county staff to validate responses and add personal experience about the overall curriculum success at each level. The overall success of the curriculum was reported with 1,102 programs delivered by 237 state and county educators during the 19-month survey period. These programs reached 31,274 individuals who reported making a total of 41,239 behavioral changes as a result of their participation. The installation of carbon monoxide monitors was the change most often reported. Educators working with the curriculum reported the development of partnerships to deliver curriculum were valuable to the success of the effort and sought additional funds and updates to continue program delivery. A major barrier to the success of the program delivery process at both the state and county levels was the need to first legitimize the issue with the educational organization. A multi-tier evaluation model using large samples provides a complete picture of the overall success of an educational effort. It provides information on program effectiveness from all levels of the organization, as well as input from the end users allowing program planners accurate formative and summative data.
Talbert, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Continuing education
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