"Framework for functional tree simulation applied to 'golden delicious'" by Marek Fiser

Framework for functional tree simulation applied to 'golden delicious' apple trees

Marek Fiser, Purdue University


This research aims to develop a framework to model realistic and functional trees. Our modular framework is easily controllable and extensible by the user. The framework provides powerful features such as per-leaf light simulation and a source-sink based resources transport model. Our novel 3D reconstruction algorithm generates realistic tree models with a good 3D polygon topology. The second part of this research is a functional model of a Golden Delicious apple tree. We use our simulation framework and data collected in Purdue Meigs farm over the year 2014 to create a realistic data-driven model. The model reacts on temperature and illumination in a way similar to real trees. Our framework and functional tree model can be used to accelerate tree pruning research, optimize orchard layout, or it can be used for the education of farmers. Our work can be extended to simulate other fruit or other trees.




Benes, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Botany|Computer science

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