"Support needs of young ovarian cancer survivors: A pilot study" by Aurelie Chuong

Support needs of young ovarian cancer survivors: A pilot study

Aurelie Chuong, Purdue University


Purpose. Young ovarian cancer survivor (18 years old or older but diagnosed before the age of 34 years old) support needs (i.e., physical and daily living, psychological, sexual, patient care and support, health system and information) were examined to guide the design and implementation of future young adult and adolescent cancer support groups and interventions. Method. This cross-sectional pilot study included 11 young ovarian cancer survivors. The Supportive Care Needs Survey Short Form 34 (SCNS-SF34) was used and open-ended questions were added. Results. The calculated standardized scores for the SCNS-SF34 survey results showed that sexuality needs were ranked highest (41.7 on a scale 100), followed by physical and daily living needs (25 on a scale of 100), psychological needs (16.9 on a scale of 100, and health system and information needs (5.5 on a scale of 100). Open-ended responses indicated young ovarian cancer survivors' need to address: (a) sexual concerns, (b) psychological support through interacting with other ovarian cancer survivors and professional counseling during and after cancer treatment, and (c) financial support. Conclusion. Sexuality, professional counseling, and interaction with other survivors were found to be the greatest needs for this sample.




Hyner, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Womens studies|Health sciences|Public health

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