"Investigation of a fully coupled spninning tire-wheel model" by Rui Cao

Investigation of a fully coupled spninning tire-wheel model

Rui Cao, Purdue University


Two tire-wheel models for ground vehicle tires are proposed in this research in order to predict the dynamics of tires under spinning operation conditions. The two-dimensional tire-wheel model, ignoring the variation in the in-depth direction, consists of a tire surface structure and an internal air cavity, which are coupled by two boundary conditions. One boundary is the inner hard-wall boundary modeled provided by the wheel rim, and the other boundary is the external flexible boundary modeled provide by the tire tread band. Such a composition of the model gives a fully coupled model including structure, air cavity and their interactions. The spinning effect of the tire induces the rotating of the tire structure and the flow of the internal air, which inevitably affects the acoustical resonances in the tire cavity. Equations describing the rotating structures, flowing air cavity and their interactions are given. The fully coupled models are solved numerically and both static results and spinning results are derived. Dispersion relations and phase speeds are given to show the original findings including the properties of the structural modes and higher acoustical modes. Results not only show the acoustic-structure interaction due to the coupling effects, but also illustrate how the spin of the tire would affect the acoustical resonance in the tire cavity and change the radiation efficiency of the structure.




Bolton, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Mechanical engineering|Acoustics

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