"Scheduling in Mohs micrographic surgery clinics" by Stephen V Steidle

Scheduling in Mohs micrographic surgery clinics

Stephen V Steidle, Purdue University


Mohs Micrographic Surgery (MMS) is a surgical method used for the excision of aggressive skin cancers in areas of high cosmetic importance, such as the face and hands. The practice has been gaining popularity worldwide for its low recurrence rates and cosmetic results. Current clinics though are plagued by extreme wait times and an overall poor patient experience. In this paper we look to explore this problem by applying systems engineering principles including optimization and scheduling with the goal of improving the patient experience. Currently, little literature exists exploring the difficulties associated with scheduling for MMS clinic which primarily revolve around patient recirculation for an unknown number of repetitions with little predictive ability. By developing a simulation model depicting current clinic operations, we have explored the current practice of clinics through several important performance measures while being able to determine an optimal number of patients to be scheduled. We have also explored the impact of changing re-entrant probability on the nature of the patient schedules. We have developed a set of qualitative scheduling constraints for on-the-fly physician application and a sequential scheduling policy to produce optimal patient schedules for maximizing the patient experience.




Lee, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Industrial engineering|Surgery

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