Investigating children's role in family dining-out choice: A study of family restaurant in Taiwan

Yang-Su Chen, Purdue University


This study investigates children's influence in the selection of family dining-out options. To further understand the connection between children's influence on family dining-out consumption and practical behaviors, we studied children's role in relation to family communication patterns. Moreover, we tested items of different dining-out influence categories to confirm differing degrees of health and nutrition concerns between parents and children. Additionally, children's demographic characteristics were also examined as predictors influencing family dining-out choices. The empirical assessment of this research was cast in the context of family restaurants. Subjects for this study focused on Taiwanese family consumers. This study offers practical implications for owners of food-service facilities in the development of family-friendly menus and services and in the development of future marketing strategies.




Lehto, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Marketing|Individual & family studies

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