"Empowering organizational members using new technology to improve know" by Patrick L Vogt

Empowering organizational members using new technology to improve knowledge distribution

Patrick L Vogt, Purdue University


Global competition and improvements in technology are occurring at speeds never before experienced in human history. Today's organizations are compelled to continually innovate and change or otherwise face the threat of becoming irrelevant or nonexistent. This study uses W. Edwards Deming's System of Profound Knowledge and Brian Joiner's Fourth Generation Management theories as frameworks to explore the effects providing knowledge workers with online training in online collaboration environments has on attitudes, confidence, and willingness to participate. The literature review explores the topics of employee empowerment and positive changes in customer satisfaction, organizational quality, and responsiveness. The literature suggest that providing organizational members can improve employee empowerment. Recently eLearning and online collaboration environments have presented very positive opportunities toward the goal of improving employee empowerment. This study's key finding is, in brief: knowledge worker's attitudes, confidence, and willingness to participate in online collaboration environments can be positively affected through the administration of online training and simulation towards effective tool use.




Naimi, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Management|Adult education

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