"The effect of supplemental video instruction on aviation student perfo" by Lauren A Sperlak

The effect of supplemental video instruction on aviation student performance

Lauren A Sperlak, Purdue University


The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of supplemental video instruction on total completion time and overall project quality of a practical project created by aviation students. The project investigated was an 8-ply carbon fiber pre-preg lay-up that is typically accomplished in an aviation composites course. Twenty eight students, from a 58 student sample, were randomly assigned into a treatment group. The treatment group was given a six minute video covering the procedures on the written instructions. The remaining 30 students were assigned to the control group which was given written instructions currently being used in the composites course. A Mann-Whitney test was then used to analyze the results. The analysis of these results determined that there was no significant decrease on completion time using video instruction but there was a significant increase in project quality of the projects.




Sterkenburg, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Educational evaluation|Education

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