"Sibling relationships as a moderating factor for differentiation and r" by Hillary Paige Rawlings

Sibling relationships as a moderating factor for differentiation and romantic relationship satisfaction in individuals who have witnessed Intimate Partner Violence

Hillary Paige Rawlings, Purdue University


The purpose of this thesis was to examine the moderating effects positive sibling relationships have on an individual's differentiation and romantic relationship satisfaction when having witnessed Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) as a child. There has been a significant amount of research related to the negative effects of IPV but little on what may reduce some of the negative outcomes. To gather the data, the researcher administered a questionnaire to individuals 18 years and older who had at least one sibling and had been in a romantic relationship at for at least 6 months when completing the survey ( N = 238). The survey included questions related to sibling relationships, the individual's current romantic relationship, differentiation, and violence or conflict that was witnessed as a child, as well as several demographic questions. The results of this study demonstrated that sibling relationships had an effect on individuals who have witnessed IPV, although not always having a moderation effect. These results indicate the need for continued research on the effects of sibling relationships. The study also found a single item measuring the frequency of witnessing parental conflict and disagreements that was more predictive of differentiation and romantic relationship satisfaction than an 8-item measure. This may signify the need to examine the types of negative interactions children witness more carefully to determine the effects. This information can be used in relation to treatment as well as to help establish preventative strategies that may be used by clinicians to treat this population.




Nalbone, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Mental health|Behavioral psychology|Developmental psychology

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