"Comparisons between educational map software displaying soil data" by Laura Ann Kocur

Comparisons between educational map software displaying soil data

Laura Ann Kocur, Purdue University


The use of technology in the classroom is becoming more widespread, and the area of agronomy is no different. Utilization of various mapping technology is more common in instructional components in the classroom, although the impacts of software usability have not yet been explored. Maps available over the Internet are identified as an area in which usability is not known, nor are there any fixed standards or conventions to govern the display of them. The recently developed mapping prototype is intended to increase accessibility to map data used in class, as well as make it easier to use the data. A comparison between this prototype and other established map software was conducted to determine the relative usability and the differences between the compared software. The findings of this study indicate the prototype yielded a higher rate of correct response. Also, the simpler interface of the prototype was preferred by students while answering content-related questions.




Glotzbach, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Agricultural education|Educational technology

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