"Keyword based searching scheme for defining engineering education rese" by Sadia Nawaz

Keyword based searching scheme for defining engineering education research as a critical case of virtual organizations

Sadia Nawaz, Purdue University


This work presents a generalized keyword based searching methodology that can be used to define any interdisciplinary emerging area of research. The problem in information retrieval for an interdisciplinary area lies in the fact that the venues where articles pertaining to such field are published are not that well defined and are widely spread out among many different areas of research. Advantage of our approach is the more accurate and reliable retrieval of text documents. This approach can be used for any emerging interdisciplinary area of research. Another advantage is that the user does not need to know the underlying query language for the retrieval of information since keyword based searching methodology is used. This work is done for the emerging area of engineering education research (EER) which lacks an established list of keywords. Therefore a list of keywords is established by introducing various rules after verifying them empirically. The keywords are classified based on their context. It will help future researchers to expand and improve the current work. To verify the correctness of this keyword based searching methodology, (i) source/venue count is calculated and then (ii) a sample data of is taken from the large collection of the downloaded data and various tests are performed to show its precision. We also perform further investigation to show how social network analysis techniques can bring out important information from within a dataset based on ER (entity relationship) model, where entity may be an author or an article. This analysis is also performed on a small sample IJEEE (international journal of electrical engineering education) taken from the data downloaded using the keyword based approach.




Ghafoor, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Computer Engineering|Electrical engineering|Educational technology|Information science

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