"The train-the-trainer model for dialogic reading with cooperative exte" by Sandy Liang

The train-the-trainer model for dialogic reading with cooperative extension: An exploratory approach to investigate educators' characteristics and context factors related to training outcomes

Sandy Liang, Purdue University


Research shows that dialogic reading improves children's language skills over and above the benefits accrued from traditional shared reading. This study explored a one-day train-the trainer model to train with Cooperative Extension educators in dialogic reading, and how their characteristics may be related to immediate and long-term training outcomes. Participants completed surveys prior to the training day, immediately after the training, and ten months after the training. Descriptive data was used to compare self-efficacy and knowledge before and after the training session. In addition, an individual's background factors were explored to determine if they were related to measures immediately after the training session. Person factors and context factors were explored for possible relationships with training execution. Results suggest that the training increased both self-efficacy and knowledge. For background factors, individuals' years of job experience may be related to outcomes immediately after the training session. Some person factors and context factors explored in this study may be related to training sessions held, but more research is warranted before clear interpretations can be made.




Dobbs-Oates, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Early childhood education|Literacy|Reading instruction

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