Trajectory design using periapse maps and invariant manifolds
The invariant manifolds associated with periodic orbits in the vicinity of the collinear libration points in the planar CR3BP have been previously demonstrated as mechanisms for transport. Trajectories that pass between adjoining regions within the zero-velocity curves pass through the invariant manifold tubes. In particular, the invariant manifolds associated with the unstable L1 and L2 periodic libration point orbits may be exploited to construct transit orbits between the interior and exterior regions associated with the zero-velocity curves. In this investigation, periapse Poincaré maps are used to display the manifolds and to distinguish regions of escape and, conversely, regions of long-term capture. Manifold periapse structures are employed as a design tool to construct planar trajectories with predetermined characteristics. The strategies that are developed are demonstrated by producing planar trajectories with predetermined behaviors, namely, long-term capture orbits and transit trajectories, as well as heteroclinic and homoclinic connections. Additionally, path approximations are generated for four Jupiter family comets that experience temporary satellite capture. Periapse Poincaré maps are also employed to design three-dimensional transit trajectories in the spatial circular restricted three-body problem.
Howell, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Aerospace engineering
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