"Municipal solid waste characterization study for Indiana" by Yu Sun

Municipal solid waste characterization study for Indiana

Yu Sun, Purdue University


The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), Office of Pollution Prevention and Technical Assistance, Source Reduction and Recycling Branch, commissioned the completion of a statewide municipal solid waste (MSW) characterization study for Indiana. MSW facilities were sampled mainly during Spring and Fall seasons. The study was divided into seven steps: literature review, model development, characterization for sites sampled, characterization for non-participating waste facilities, potential for increased recycling, documentation and presentation. The following results were obtained: MSW composition for four participating facilities, MSW composition for non-participating facilities, overall composition for different origins, and overall composition for the state including waste generated in Indiana and waste exported to Indiana. A comparison between Indiana, other states and national results was made. Based on the composition results and comparison, opportunity for source reduction and recycling was found, especially for paper and plastic.




Abramowtiz, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Civil engineering|Environmental engineering

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