"Impression management in dating: The effect of perceived partner likin" by JulieAnn Miller

Impression management in dating: The effect of perceived partner liking on the use of strategic self-presentation

JulieAnn Miller, Purdue University


People often use strategic self-presentation to portray themselves in a favorable light. The current research used an online dating procedure to examine how perception of a potential romantic partner’s interest and liking influences one’s use of strategic self-presentation. During the study, participants were led to believe that they would meet a potential dating partner, when in reality the potential partner situation was achieved through a cover story. To measure participants’ use of strategic self-presentation, the study used changes between participant self-ratings prior to a manipulation and self-ratings one week later after the experimental manipulation at a second session. These self-ratings involved two trait variables (positive traits and negative traits, based on four specific traits) and one interest variable (based on two specific interests), which were endorsed in the fictitious partner profile. I manipulated two independent variables: (1) how much the potential partner allegedly liked the participant (low, moderate, high liking), and (2) whether the potential partner allegedly would see the participant’s ratings of their traits and interests (private versus public responses). It was expected that, among participants whose responses were allegedly shown to their partner (public response condition), participants would be more likely to change their self-ratings if they believed the partner moderately liked them (moderate perceived liking), compared to if they believed the partner liked them a lot or a little (high, low perceived liking, respectively). The results failed to support this hypothesis. Exploratory analyses for several different moderators are discussed.




Arriaga, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Social psychology|Psychology

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