"Factors that influence consumer's adoption behavior in M-commerce" by Sungwoo Song

Factors that influence consumer's adoption behavior in M-commerce

Sungwoo Song, Purdue University


M-commerce is defined as the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless handheld devices such as cellular phones and personal digital assistants. With the rapid development of information and internet technology, M-commerce has become an important research topic in online shopping. In addition, the role of WOM in adoption of M-commerce is gaining new significance because this has been found to play a significant role in shaping attitudes and behavior, especially with regard to the diffusion of innovation. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors affecting intention to use M-commerce and the factors influencing positive word-of-mouth recommendation by analyzing the attitudes of those who have purchased music through M-commerce. Using the united model of acceptance and use of technology, a model of M-commerce acceptance was proposed and the relationship between the acceptance process and word of mouth recommendation was explored. Two paths multiple regressions were used into conducting the present research. The first path analysis examined the revised UTAUT model employing the intention to use M-commerce as a dependent variable. The results showed that performance expectancy, social influence and enjoyment are significantly related to intention to use M-commerce. The second path examined the relationship between the M-commerce adoption process and WOM recommendations. The results showed that adoption processes such as performance expectancy, social influence, trust, and intention to use are directly related to positive WOM recommendation. This study provides an integrated model for adoption behavior of M-commerce and word of mouth recommendation in M-commerce. Also, the findings from this study provide further research motivation to academics and practitioners in M-commerce, given the implication of trust and enjoyment in the acceptance and use of technology in M-commerce and the insights about the significant role of performance expectancy, social influence, enjoyment, and intention to use in WOM recommendation.




Rutherford, Purdue University.

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