"Evaluation of composite steel I-girder bridge design software using NC" by Jungil Seo

Evaluation of composite steel I-girder bridge design software using NCHRP Process 12-50

Jungil Seo, Purdue University


Bridge designers have been used bridge design and analysis software for their design aid. However, using the design aid is very time efficient only if it is validated properly. Indiana department of transportation (INDOT) utilizes commercial bridge design and analysis software, MERLIN-DASH, for composite steel I-girder bridge. For the validation of the software, NCHRP Process 12-50, a bridge design and analysis software validation process (Baker, 2003), was implemented. A test-bed of 21 bridges was developed with guidance from an Indiana Department of Transportation appointed research advisory panel (RAP). The test-bed included 5 simple-span and 16 multi-span bridge superstructures. An independent computer program, PURDUE composite steel bridge design (PURDUE CSBD) was developed to perform the bridge design calculations as specified in the AASHTO LRFD specification (2008), which is currently endorsed by the INDOT bridge design manual. Design calculation results for the complete test-bed of bridge were generated by both MERLIN-DASH and PURDUE CSBD. The outputs from both computer programs were compared to identify assumptions and discrepancies between MERLIN-DASH and PURDUE CSBD. These comparisons indicate excellent agreement between the results from the programs for: (1) moments, (2) shears, (3) stresses, (4) deflections, (5) flexural strength, and (6) shear strength. The test-bed of bridge structures and the PURDUE CSBD program are recommended for evaluating and verifying other bridge design software. Other relevant output computed by MERLIN-DASH and PURDUE CSBD was compared and it also showed excellent agreement between the results from both programs.




Varma, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Civil engineering

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