"Emerging attitudes and ideologies of second language learners of Spani" by Greer Alexandra Trapkus

Emerging attitudes and ideologies of second language learners of Spanish

Greer Alexandra Trapkus, Purdue University


This study explores language attitudes and perceptions of nationalistic identity as they relate to Spanish-language use in the United States. The data presented are taken from qualitative and quantitative data gathered from English language learners of Spanish enrolled in university-level language courses within a mid-western American university. The data will demonstrate whether emerging trends in gender and developing second language proficiency in Spanish effect the use of positive descriptors to describe the Spanish language and its presence within the United States. The study will also explore current perceptions of language use and necessity of the Spanish language within the United States. The following research questions have been posed: (1) How do second language learners of Spanish describe their need to learn the language? (2) Do male or female second language learners of Spanish use more positive descriptors of Spanish? (3) Do second language learners of Spanish at the college level express positive or negative perspectives describing Spanish language use within the United States? In general, the findings show that monolingual second-language learners of Spanish have not fully accepted the Spanish language as a necessary element of the American identity. There are several indications that the use of Spanish is becoming more accepted by second language learners through a desire to learn the language or to be bilingual in hopes of becoming more employable. Most interesting it is the overwhelming lack of negative attitude toward the Spanish language and its speakers that gives rise to hope that future second language learners of Spanish may see greater necessity and acceptance of the use of Spanish outside of the classroom.




Hammond, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Linguistics|Foreign Language|Sociolinguistics

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