"Employee training and job satisfaction and their effects on restaurant" by Yoonkyung Hur

Employee training and job satisfaction and their effects on restaurant internal brand image

Yoonkyung Hur, Purdue University


This present study examined how employees perceive restaurant brand image and the factors that affect those perceptions. An extensive review of the literature indicated a need for a better understanding of this area which is related to both employee training and job satisfaction and how it affects a restaurants brand image. A total of 330 questionnaires were distributed to front of the house employees who were working in five different casual dining chain restaurants and a total of 147 people responded. The study investigated employee attitudes toward the restaurant brand image, employees’ perceptions of their job satisfaction and employee training, and demographic characteristics. To test nine hypotheses, regression analysis and One-Way ANOVA were utilized. Regression analysis results showed that employees’ job satisfaction, overall attitude on the value of employees’ training, and working conditions were significant contributors for building positive brand image for employees in casual dining restaurants. In addition, One-Way ANOVA results indicated that difference in gender and educational level for employees had a significant impact on employees’ attitudes toward brand image. This study is academically and managerially meaningful to the restaurant industry because findings suggest practical implications for improving internal brand image to restaurant managers. Employees who have positive attitudes toward brand image may perform their duties more effectively than other employees and provide improved customer service. Key words: human resource management, restaurant brand image, internal branding, employee brand image building




Adler, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Marketing|Management|Occupational psychology

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