"Modeling advice interactions: Advice givers' goals as influences on re" by Lisa M Guntzviller

Modeling advice interactions: Advice givers' goals as influences on recipients' message evaluations and perceived advice quality

Lisa M Guntzviller, Purdue University


Although there is a growing body of research on responses to advice in supportive interactions, this research has largely ignored the advice giver. This study presents a model of advice interactions that accounts for the impact of advice-giver goals on recipient evaluations of advice messages, and these recipient evaluations on recipient perceptions of the overall message quality. The giver goals of change and novelty are shown to have the most impact on recipient evaluations of efficacy/feasibility, absence of limitations, confirmation, negative facework, fellowship facework, competence facework, and perceptions of message quality. Recipient evaluations influence recipient perceptions of message quality in ways that are generally consistent with prior findings. Implications, limitations, and directions for future research are examined.




MacGeorge, Purdue University.

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