"Understanding media coverage of child abuse and neglect: A study of th" by Lakshman Rao Ranjani Rao

Understanding media coverage of child abuse and neglect: A study of the Aiyana Gauvin case

Lakshman Rao Ranjani Rao, Purdue University


Mass media have received much flak for their skewed representation of child abuse and neglect (CA&N), focusing largely on less frequent but extreme and sensational cases rather than proposing potential solutions such as positive parenting (Kirkpatrik, 2004). This study looks at how media coverage of child abuse and neglect changes over time in the wake of a significant event. Drawing from literature covering child abuse and neglect, framing theory and more specifically media coverage of CA&N, this study examines media coverage surrounding the March 16, 2005 death of four year old Aiyana Gauvin. Using a case study approach, 681 articles published in the Greater Lafayette Journal and Courier between July 2004 and June 2007 were analyzed in two stages, qualitatively and quantitatively. A total of 29 themes grouped into 4 meta themes and two frames emerged with description based themes getting more prominence than second order change based themes such as “prevention”, highlighting the need for greater co-operation between media organizations and community based child abuse prevention efforts.




Dutta, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Social work|Communication|Individual & family studies|Mass communications

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