"Characterization of PTP61F; studying the role of PTP61F in axon target" by Nadeeka Naomi Jayasuriya

Characterization of PTP61F; studying the role of PTP61F in axon targeting in the Drosophila nervous system

Nadeeka Naomi Jayasuriya, Purdue University


PTP61F is a Drosophila protein tyrosine phosphatase that associates with the cell surface receptor Dscam via interactions with the SH2/SH3 domain containing adapter protein Dock. Both Dscam and Dock have been proven to play roles in connection specificity between neurons. At present, it is unknown if PTP61F is also required for proper axon target selection, largely due to a lack of a PTP61F mutant. My research aims to develop mutant alleles of PTP61F in order to study its requirement for target selection fidelity and its function within the Dscam pathway. My main goal is to create a null allele of PTP61F and characterize any observable mutant phenotypes. To accomplish this, I am employing a recombination-based strategy that utilizes previously characterized transposon insertions that flank, but do not disrupt, the majority of the PTP61F coding sequence.




Clemens, Purdue University.

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