"Evaluation of soy methyl ester polystyrene blends for use in concrete" by Kevin Christopher Coates

Evaluation of soy methyl ester polystyrene blends for use in concrete

Kevin Christopher Coates, Purdue University


There are hundreds of commercial admixtures and topically applied products available for use with concrete. These products have gone through a battery of tests to evaluate their performance for their intended use, as well as their affect on all properties of the fresh and finished concrete product. Just as the existing admixtures and topical compounds have been tested and evaluated, any new substances that may have possible applications with the modification of cementitious materials must also be tested and evaluated. This thesis evaluates the potential use of Soy Methyl Ester (SME) in the field of concrete. Soy Methyl Esters have been used as an alternative, renewable fuel source. SME has proven to have other promising applications related to the use of concrete. Through testing of the SME Polystyrene (SME-PS) blends in different applications, the performance of the SME is measured and in some cases compared to other commercial products. The effects of the SME on cementitious materials were measured for several properties including: compressive strength, shrinkage, viscosity, setting and hydration time, air content, evaporation rate, SME penetration, water absorption, and chloride penetration. The information acquired from these tests is meant to be used as a basis for continuing research related to the use of SME blends in the concrete construction industry. This pilot study has identified the potential for SME-PS blends to be used in both admixed and topical applications to reduce fluid transport. Results from sorption tests show that samples with SME-PS blends admixed reduce water absorption by 74-94%. In topical applications, reductions of 85-93% were obtained. Testing performed to examine chloride ion ingress showed reductions of up to 77% in chloride penetration depth. These reductions in absorption have direct implications on the durability of the concrete, and the results show the ability of SME-PS to reduce transport within cementitious systems without significantly impacting their basic mechanical properties.




Weiss, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Civil engineering

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