Gendered Reactions to Organizational Justice: A Meta-Analysis
Although the importance of organizational justice as a predictor of work outcomes has been well established, and fairness in the workplace has a particular relevance for women as compared to men, gendered reactions to organizational justice have largely been left unexplored. Given the pervasive public discourse surrounding justice for women in the workplace, I argue that we must understand the specific features of injustice women and men value and react to the most strongly to in order to give direction to the pursuit of fairness across gender at work. Therefore, I used meta-analytic techniques to explore gendered reactions to injustice. Results indicate that men and women react similarly to perceptions of injustice, with a few notable exceptions. Specifically, interactional and procedural justice perceptions are more strongly related to certain relational outcomes (leader member exchange and supervisory trust) for women as compared to men. Further, results suggest that justice effects may be moderated by masculinity at the cultural level. The results of this study have implications for both academic and applied contexts by advancing knowledge of how gender impacts reactions to different dimensions of organizational justice.
Rupp, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Occupational psychology|Gender studies
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