Consensus and Platooning in Multiagent Networks
First, a distributed algorithm to accelerate the convergence of a class of linear time-invariant consensus-based distributed algorithms is proposed. Then, it is proven that, given a convergent distributed algorithm, the acceleration algorithm can ensure convergence and consensus. Also, the parameter that can ensure the largest possible convergence speed was determined. Furthermore, it is shown that some constraints on the equilibrium state of the original algorithms also apply to the equilibrium state of the acceleration algorithm. Finally, some examples are presented to validate the effectiveness of the acceleration algorithm. A method that allows obtaining convergence value within a nite amount of time is also discussed. Then, this paper studies the longitudinal string stability of two cooperative adaptive cruise-control(CACC) equipped 2-vehicle platoons implementing dierent interplatoon communication topologies. CACC utilizes wireless communication between vehicles to improve the performance of the tested and commercialized adaptive cruise control(ACC). Due to 2-vehicle CACC platoon being well studied and tested, interplatoon communication is used to connect multiple 2-vehicle platoons and therefore accommodate more vehicles to form a larger platoon for better energy saving. Frequency domain approach is used to carry out string stability analysis. A general form of feedforward lter was derived and different inter-platoon communication topologies are analytically proven to be string stable under delay-free environment. The minimum headway time of each communication topology is then presented to show the effect of communication structure and delay on string stability.
Mou, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Aerospace engineering
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