"Dynamic Modeling and Validation of Power Generators" by Yeshaswi Laxman Menghmalani

Dynamic Modeling and Validation of Power Generators

Yeshaswi Laxman Menghmalani, Purdue University


A fundamental challenge with any modeling effort is characterizing the right amount of model fidelity needed for a particular engineering task. Across the spectrum of modeling approaches, ranging from purely physics-based to purely data-based, there are variations in computational complexity, development time, accuracy, and experimental data dependency. The intent of this project is to validate and improve the performance of an existing genset model developed by Cummins, specifically during transient operation. A key aspect of this project is first quantifying desired fidelity and then identifying quantitative metrics to verify whether or not the desired fidelity is achieved. The outcome of this research provides the genset emulator lab (GEL) at Cummins Power Systems with an improved model of the existing genset model.^




Neera Jain, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Electrical engineering|Mechanical engineering|Systems science

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