Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Drug Screening
Paper spray mass spectrometry is an alternative technique for toxicological screening that is able to quickly and adequately screen for compounds encountered in postmortem investigations with little sample handling and no sample preparation. For analysis of dried blood spots using a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, detection criteria were defined to align with relevant regulatory guidelines while considering how fragment ion selection, method sensitivity, and fragment ion ratio tolerances are best utilized in paper spray mass spectrometry. For analysis, drugs and drug metabolites relevant to postmortem investigations were spiked into drug-free blood, and by monitoring two fragment ion channels in selected reaction monitoring mode, as well as the ratio between the two fragment ions, a method was developed capable of detecting over 120 drug and drug metabolites at concentrations relevant to postmortem drug screening. Total analysis time for the developed method is less than 8 minutes, and less than 50μL of sample and 5mL of solvent are consumed during analysis.
Manicke, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Analytical chemistry
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