The Intersections of Rape and Power in Public Discourse: An Analysis of "Game of Thrones"
Following the backlash to three particular rape scenes depicted in the television show Game of Thrones, I analyze the resultant discourse in terms of what this discourse can tell us about rape and rape culture. Drawing from the Foucauldian concept of discourse and discursive formations, McGee’s notions of fragments, and Herbig’s notion of polymediation which pairs Foucault with McGee in terms of rhetoric, discourse and media, I use this theoretical framework to analyze the texts in my study. Specifically, I examine the comments on online news articles from popular websites, blog posts, and online discussion forums regarding conversations related to Game of Thrones. I argue that these comments and this discourse focus on the victim’s power and agency, thereby allowing people to rationalize the actions of the rapist and blame the victim for the occurrence of the rape.
Herbig, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Communication|Mass communications
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