"Pedicel Effects on Fruit Development in Apple" by Seval Taskin

Pedicel Effects on Fruit Development in Apple

Seval Taskin, Purdue University


Fruit size is one of the important quality parameters that controls the fruit value. There have been many studies conducted to determine factors that affect apple fruit size. The apple fruit pedicel is not only responsible for the attachment of fruit to the tree, but also it provides a connection between the fruit and the source of water and nutrients. The pedicel can be such a factor that affects the apple fruit size. Therefore, we conducted a study to determine the correlation between fruit size and both pedicel size and anatomy among 10 different apple genotypes differing in fruit size. Our results suggested that among the genotypes, there was a positive correlation between pedicel diameter and final fruit weight at harvest. In contrast, there was a significant negative relationship between pedicel length and fruit weight. Additionally, there was a positive correlation between number of tracheary elements in the pedicel and fruit size among the genotypes. Likewise, a significant positive correlation between fruit weight and pedicel vascular bundle area was found among the genotypes. Further, among the genotypes, tracheary elements lumen area had a significant positive correlation with fruit weight. In conclusion, pedicel with larger diameter and shorter length, and both larger and more tracheary elements tended to bear larger fruit size.




Hirst, Purdue University.

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