Sensitivity Analysis and Frequency Prediction of a Multi-Story Structure

Xiaoyu Liu, Purdue University


Various models of the same multi-story structure have shown that a numerical model always has exhibit some differences to their physical system. Specially, it is hard to get a close prediction about a multi-story structure’s dynamic behavior by using shear model before in which parameters can be identified by any experiment. This research mainly focuses on how different factors, like physical properties or boundary conditions of a system, would affect the shear model of a multi-story structure, and how to build a reliable shear model which is close to the physical structure. The influences of different factors on a shear model are studied first, in general, which are about equivalent mass and stiffness of the system. This part of the research is basically based on finite element model. The main method is that to make changes in different variables and check for the altering of desired values. By this, the relationship of how different factors would influence the structure can be obtained as a result. Conclusions are drawn, which will help to get a better understanding of the shear model. After that, a way of FE modelling the multi-story structure based on Abaqus is proposed to compute for the equivalent stiffness of the system. The goal of this research to develop such a model and by which, a series of the same structure's frequencies, which will be closer to the physical structure, can be computed before doing any experiments to identify the system.




Dyke, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Mechanical engineering

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