"Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction Using Naturalistic Driving Video Throug" by Rifat M Mueid

Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction Using Naturalistic Driving Video Through Tractography of Relative Positions and Pedestrian Pose Estimation

Rifat M Mueid, Purdue University


Research on robust Pre-Collision Systems (PCS) requires new techniques that will allow a better understanding of the vehicle-pedestrian dynamic relationship, and which can predict pedestrian future movements. Our research analyzed videos from the Transportation Active Safety Institute (TASI) 110-Car naturalistic driving dataset to extract two dynamic pedestrian semantic features. The dataset consists of videos recorded with forward facing cameras from 110 cars over a year in all weather and illumination conditions. This research focuses on the potential-conflict situations where a collision may happen if no avoidance action is taken from driver or pedestrian. We have used 1000 such 15 seconds videos to find vehicle-pedestrian relative dynamic trajectories and pose of pedestrians. Adaptive structural local appearance model and particle filter methods have been implemented and modified to track the pedestrians more accurately. We have developed new algorithm to compute Focus of Expansion (FoE) automatically. Automatically detected FoE height data have a correlation of 0.98 with the carefully clicked human data. We have obtained correct tractography results for over 82% of the videos. For pose estimation, we have used flexible mixture model for capturing co-occurrence between pedestrian body segments. Based on existing single-frame human pose estimation model, we have introduced Kalman filtering and temporal movement reduction techniques to make stable stick-figure videos of the pedestrian dynamic motion. We were able to reduce frame to frame pixel offset by 86% compared to the single frame method. These tractographs and pose estimation data were used as features to train a neural network for classifying ‘potential conflict’ and ‘no potential conflict’ situations. The training of the network achieved 91.2% true label accuracy, and 8.8% false level accuracy. Finally, the trained network was used to assess the probability of collision over time for the 15 seconds videos which generates a spike when there is a ‘potential conflict’ situation. We have also tested our method with TASI mannequin crash data. With the crash data we were able to get a danger spike for 70% of the videos. The research enables new analysis on potential-conflict pedestrian cases with 2D tractography data and stick-figure pose representation of pedestrians, which provides significant insight on the vehicle-pedestrian dynamics that are critical for safe autonomous driving and transportation safety innovations.




Christopher, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Artificial intelligence

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